Hay day is a farming simulation game by supercell for mobile devices. Angus will automatically appear in the fishing camp once youve repaired your boat and clicked it to go to the fishing area. You just click on an open fishing area, select a lure, and drag it into the water to start fishing. You can see all of the 30 different types of fish that you may have caught so far in the scrapbook. Some fish are only available in certain areas of the lake and can only be caught with a particular colored lure. There are 40 different of species you can catch playing hay day. When you tap on your fishing hut, you will find a scrapbook with a log of the fish you have caught. Make sure you keep your farm stock plentiful and healthy with these 10 tips and cheats.
In this video i fish for the goldweight red tailed fish with a red lure. Fish can be caught using lures crafted on the lure workbench and fishing nets and mystery nets made in the net maker players can catch all different species of fish when fishing with lures but only three when fishing with nets i. If the fish they caught is from a new species, it is added to their uncles fishing book if it is in a new weight category, then a bronze, silver, gold, platinum fish medal will appear next to the photo of the fish. Here is my personal guide so i dont waste voucher lures i hope this works, first time using imgur and. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There are 40 different species of fish for hay day farmers to catch on a lazy afternoon. A useful resource for helping you get the hang of fishing and earn your deserved rewards is the scrapbook. Fish players have already caught can be found in the fishing book, which opens by tapping on the fishing hut. Fishing books also called scrapbooks are photo collections of each type of fish the players. Third thing that you need to consider is filling the fishing book, as each medal gives you. Im very impressed with the creators and you for figuring it out. Also, these are not my pictures so full credit to the owners. Hay day is the newest addiction of mobile video game users. I have no idea if everyones fishing book is in the same order as far as pages but ill list three.
Hay lions football and netball club fishing competition, hay, new south wales, australia. In this video i am trying to catch the last missing fish from my fishing book and i have finally caught all the speci. Differences in fishing holes supercell community forums. Hay lions football and netball club fishing competition. Theyre caught using the lures and nets you can find in the tackle box. In this video i am trying to catch the last missing fish from my fishing book and i have finally caught all the species of fish but still not completed my fishing book because i have to catch all. Of all the fishes in your fishing book, how many do you have left to catch to make it complete. If any of this info is wrong, or you have better sources, please comment and ill. The wiki on which fish are found in which spot is amazing too. Hay day, special day, comic books, packaging, games, fun, fin fun.
Hay day of all the fishes in your fishing book, how many. The hay day fishing guide will let you in on a secret or two when it comes to the fishing area in hay day. And of course, all fishermen should keep scrapbooks for. Players receive a specific number of experience for catching each type of fish. When fishing with lures, every fish players catch is photographed and weighed. During fishing rodeos you will be able to catch special fish to add to your book. On my farm its known as either the mythical golden trout or the great gold voucher eater. I have not tried these out, i was searching for info and thought id share. This records all of the various fish that you have caught and the rewards given as a result. I am close to finishing my fishing book, you are quite welcome last few are frustrating. A useful resource for helping you get the hang of fishing and earn your deserved. Pay attention to the inner circle size and the way the the fish reacts when hooked. Fishing event info how to catch monster fish edit, disclaimer. Angus is the fisherman that is located in the fishing area hay day, best games.
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